Why You’ll Never Succeed At Anything

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In this video I talk about a few of the top reasons why a lot of people never stay on track with their goals, what needs to be established in order to achieve anything, and ultimately, why most people will never succeed at anything in their life.

This might sound harsh, but I am saying it from my perspective in regards to what I do. I struggle constantly with finding meaning in my life and constantly ask myself if I am wasting my time or not. Thoughts like this really dwell on me, and I find that when I talk about it, it is easier to deal with. Which is why I wanted to make a video like this.

I talk with my friends, family, and my clients a lot about this kind of stuff. And I find that in doing so, thoughts can be cleared up a little bit. Plus, more often than not, conversations like this can kick people into the next stage—even if that stage is 0.005% better than the previous.

When watching it, please don’t think I am talking down on anyone. I am in the same boat. Every day I am trying to do something a little better. But there are numerous days where I fail and struggle and feel like quitting everything.

Anyway, I hope you get something out of this video.

Here is the book that I pulled the two quotes from: http://amzn.com/0241351642

Thanks for watching.

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