How To: SMR (Foam Rolling & Releasing Tight, Painful, Niggling Areas)

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If you have painful, tight, or just niggling areas of the body, SMR (i.e. foam rolling/trigger point/massage/manual therapy style of release on the body to decrease pain, tightness, lack of mobility) might be an answer. In this video I talk about:

What Is SMR? (0:54)
What Is Fascia (1:14)
How To SMR (1:30)
Why SMR (1:43)
What To Do After SMR? (2:03)
How To SMR Pt. 2 (2:26)
Recap (3:10)

PLUS give you three drills that you can practice by yourself and thus, learn the principles and logic behind SMR so that you can go off and implement the knowledge into other areas of your body.

The Drills:

The Foot Release (3:30)
The Shoulder Release (5:50)
The Iliotibial Band Release (7:54)

If you have any questions about the topics discussed at the start of this video, or any in regards to the techniques displayed in the drills, let me know down below in the comments section.


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Thanks for watching!


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