The Pernosophy Podcast 018

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On this episode I explore the topic surrounding health and fat shaming. In doing so, and following the introduction to the story about my sister being told she is too skinny (she’s not) and that my mum should feed her more (she feeds her perfectly), I discuss why it seems to be okay to health shame
and not fat shame, the difference between putting Tess Holliday on the cover of Cosmopolitan and health and fitness magazines, how much ridicule one faces when trying to implement positive health and fitness changes, confidence and being comfortable with your body, and how potent your circle is for influencing your life and trajectory.

What do you think of this topic? I’d love to hear your thoughts. You can do this by jumping on my website or by hunting me down on social media: @haydenperno.

Other than that, thanks so much for checking out this episode. I’ll talk to you next time.

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