Fasting: 7 Common Questions

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In this video I discuss and answer seven common questions in relation to fasting/intermittent fasting/prolonged fasting diets for fat loss, muscle gain, and maintenance.

These seven questions include:

1. Will fasting ruin your metabolism? (2:15)
2. What types of fasting methods are out there? (4:15)
3. Why fast? (5:01)
4. Should you fast? (6:20)
5. How often should you fast? (6:50)
6. What should you eat before and after fasting? (7:20)
7. What are you allowed during a fast? (8:11)

Please keep in mind that this is an overview and that it is difficult to answer every single question out there related to fasting diets, plus even answer them perfectly for every individual.  But hopefully some of these (or all) answer questions that have been on your mind.

Make sure, if you haven’t already, to check out my previous fasting video (linked below). Also, be sure to check out Martin Berkhan’s website, Brad Pilon’s, Alan Aragon’s, and Leigh Peele’s (also linked below).

If you have any further questions about what you see in this video, hit the comments section below.

Thanks for watching and peace out, y’all.

Martin Berkhan
Brad Pilon
Alan Aragon
Leigh Peele

Fasting: Why You Should Give It A

[Stalk me!]


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